Sojourner Truth
Kennedy Space Center
Cape Canaveral, FL
March 14, 1997
Dear Mom,
Pathfinder and I are wild to see Global Surveyor this aft. We'll be more than halfway to Mars. Global launched before us, but he's going to take three more months than us to reach Mars. We're on a shorter flight path to the red planet. Our descent, once we finally get to Mars should only take four minutes, and we should be there about 10:00 a.m. Pacific time on July 4th. Independence Day! Wouldn't the real S.T. love that? Hope the Martians have some neat postcards. I can't wait to mail my letters. I'll find a postbox as soon as I can, I promise.
P. S. I wonder if they have Star Wars Stamps.
We just passed Global Surveyor. It was SO neat, Mom. It's the first excitement we've had in a long time. Pathfinder and I thumbed our noses at the slow guy as we passed and gloated at the fact that we will be to Mars first, but Global knows his mission and simply grinned and waved.
Mom, we're halfway there!
April, May, June, 1997
We're bored! We're bored! We're bored!
July 4, 1997
Dear Mom,
This is it! We're scared again. We should be on Mars in four minutes. I can't write anymore, I'm too tense.
I'll let you know about the landing.
I love you, Mom.